Vision, mission, and goals for my future career

As an international student studying business management in Canada, I have some online marketing and operations experience. Personally, I'm interested in the beauty industry as well. So, I'm excited to combine my background with my passion for the industry as I pursue my career plan in Canada.

  • Personal Vision:

Over the next decade, my vision is to establish myself as an online operations professional in the beauty industry. Providing in-home beauty services through online platforms to Canadian clients. My focus will be on Canadian online operational strategies, advertising channels, digital tools, and other related topics. In addition, I will gain knowledge of popular beauty programs, achievable results, costs, and profit margins in the beauty industry.

By using my knowledge of online marketing and operations, I wish to connect talented Canadian beauty professionals with clients who appreciate beauty services through the Internet. To provide clients with flexible schedules, affordable pricing, and uncompromising quality of service while providing increased business opportunities for the beauty industry.

  • Personal Mission:

My mission is to provide Canadian clients with convenient, flexible, affordable and exceptionally high-quality in-home beauty services by creating an effective online platform. Also, it provides additional ways for the beauty industry and estheticians to attract clients.

I will work to create an online platform that emphasizes privacy protection and a good reputation. This will give beauty professionals and clients the ability to choose and be chosen. By providing a platform for beauty professionals to earn a measurable income while ensuring clients enjoy guaranteed, cost-effective beauty services. I seek to promote an efficient and sustainable online beauty ecosystem.

  • S.M.A.R.T. Personal Goals:

  1. Short-term goals (1-3 years):

Within the next two years, I will focus on completing my academic program in business management. I will also improve my English skills to communicate effectively in a Canadian work environment. At the same time, I will continue to learn about Canadian culture, consumer habits and market trends. This will help me gain a deeper understanding of the Canadian business environment and the state of the beauty industry.

     2. Mid-term goals (3-6 years):

After graduating from RRC, my goal is to gain local experience by securing a position with a Canadian e-commerce company. This aligns with my career goals in the beauty industry. This opportunity will provide valuable insight into the Canadian market, consumer preferences, and eCommerce strategies. In addition, during this time, I would like to pursue professional training to become a licensed esthetician with a focus on lasers and facials. This will further enhance my understanding of esthetic services and prepare me for my future platform.

     3. Long-term goals (7-10 years):

Over the next ten years, my goal is to build and operate my own online platform that connects clients with well reputable beauty professionals who provide in-home beauty services. To achieve this goal, I will focus on building an effective network of estheticians. I will also develop a user-friendly online platform, and apply effective marketing strategies to attract and convert clients. To provide an additional way for estheticians to make an income and for Canadian clients to have a different experience from traditional beauty services. At the same time, my goal is to provide a new and effective way to provide a new and better service to our clients. Also, to achieve my career goal of combining my work background with my interests.

Thank you for taking the time to read. I would appreciate any comments or suggestions you can leave!



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