Organizational Behaviour - Sakural's Blog Entry #2—Power and Politics within Business

I share this article from, a website founded in 1967 that focuses on psychology and human behaviour. The author is Craig B. Barkacs, J.D., he is a professor of business law at the University of San Diego School of Business.

Content Summary

The article discusses the 7 rules of political skill and power in the workplace and emphasizes the importance of understanding organizational politics for protecting our interests. The rules are as follows:

  1. To succeed in workplace politics, it's important to actively participate in the process.

  2. Make wise decisions: Not every political issue is worth engaging with actively, but passive engagement is crucial.

  3. It is not just talent and hard work that determine success in the workplace: political skill and luck play a huge role as well.

  4. As individuals climb the organizational ladder, rivalry between colleagues for positions and opportunities may arise.

  5. Reacting poorly to not getting what we want can harm our reputation while reacting graciously can work to our advantage in the future.

  6. Politics can contribute to both positive and negative outcomes, so understanding how to navigate them is important.

  7. Adaptability and flexibility are essential since not everything can be controlled.

The key points could be summarized as follows:

  • Protecting one's own interests and advancing one's career are both enhanced by learning organizational politics.

  • There's no avoiding politics in the workplace, and those who don't understand the game must learn the basics.

  • It's important to pick your battles wisely, accept unfairness, and adapt when it comes to playing good office politics.

In addition, since it was published on the psychology website, the article also mentions the psychological term "Machiavellian", which refers to a term derived from the Italian Renaissance philosopher Niccolò Generally means being crafty and strategic in navigating social and political situations, often with a focus on personal advantage. This detail has also improved my understanding of office politics.

Personal Reading Sharing

Having a clear understanding of the game's rules is essential, as an employee, we must navigate complex relationships and expectations with our boss, coworkers, and customers (which I cannot do well, particularly when dealing with more than one boss simultaneously). Also, we have to know when to speak up and when to remain silent, as well as when to agree and when to disagree. As well as being competent, reliable, trustworthy, and respectful, we also have to be humble, loyal, and humble about our work. (Yes, there has been a lot of work involved...)

In my opinion that where there are people, there is power and politics, even in friendly Canada. From a psychological perspective, this article provides some insight into workplace politics. I found it to be very interesting to read. I recommend that you also read this article.

* Reference

Barkacs, C. B. (2021, May 17). 7 Rules for Political Skill and Power in the Workplace.
   Psychology Today
. Retrieved from

Thank you for taking the time to read my post and I would appreciate it if you would leave any comments.


  1. Hello Sakura.

    Thanks for sharing your blog, I think it is very interesting and valuable for our career.

    Power and politics are an issue with which we are involved whether doing business independently or working in an organization. To achieve success, whether as employees or bosses, I think we must train ourselves to learn to work as a team, adapt to changes and make the right decisions. Finally, I think that success lies in maintaining good labor relations and creating friendly and positive work environments to successfully meet the objectives set.


  2. Hi Sakura,

    Thank you for sharing! I really appreciate how your article acknowledges that workplace politics exist regardless of the environment, even in friendly and welcoming places like Canada. Overall, your article has provided a comprehensive and practical guide to navigating workplace politics effectively. The insights you shared are valuable for any individuals looking for protecting their interests, advance their career, and maintain positive relationships in a professional setting. I commend you for putting together such an insightful piece.

    Very well done!

  3. Sakura, your blog entry on power and politics within business is truly insightful. The article from, shared by you, sheds light on the intricate dynamics of organizational politics. The seven rules of political skill and power highlighted in the article provide valuable guidance for anyone navigating the complex landscape of workplace interactions.

    The emphasis on active participation in workplace politics is a crucial takeaway. It's clear that engaging wisely and selectively is just as important as knowing when to let things unfold passively. The notion that success is not solely determined by talent and hard work, but also by political acumen and a touch of luck, resonates deeply.

    As the article points out, the ladder to success often comes with rivalry among colleagues vying for positions and opportunities. Your recognition of the significance of reacting graciously to disappointments, rather than letting them tarnish your reputation, demonstrates a mature perspective.

    The article's reference to the "Machiavellian" approach adds a layer of depth to the discussion. Understanding the strategic nature of navigating office politics, while focusing on personal growth, aligns well with your insights.

    Overall, your blog encapsulates the essence of the article's message: learning to protect one's interests and advance one's career through mastering organizational politics. Your take on picking battles wisely, embracing adaptability, and acknowledging the unavoidable presence of office politics showcases your understanding of this intricate realm. Well done on a thoughtful and enlightening blog post!


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