
Showing posts from May, 2023

“Senior Accountant's Career Dilemma” How to make a rational decision?

Hello everyone!  On the topic of Rational Decision Making, I've chosen a case very common in the workplace to run the discussion: "A senior accountant working for a large accounting firm who plans to enroll in an MBA program next fall. However, the partner in charge of training and development offers the senior accountant the opportunity to do a five-month exchange program in the Soviet Union. The exchange program requires the candidate to demonstrate "long-term potential" at the firm. The senior accountant is now faced with a dilemma of whether to pursue the exchange program while concealing his participation in the MBA program or to prioritize his MBA studies and potentially miss the training opportunity in the Soviet Union." In this case, the key points to consider are 1. Participation in an exchange program requires proof of "long-term potential" at an accounting firm. (We need to notice the keyword "Long-term".) 2. Senior accountants st

Vision, mission, and goals for my future career

As an international student studying business management in Canada, I have some online marketing and operations experience. Personally, I'm interested in the beauty industry as well. So, I'm excited to combine my background with my passion for the industry as I pursue my career plan in Canada. Personal Vision: Over the next decade, my vision is to establish myself as an online operations professional in the beauty industry. Providing in-home beauty services through online platforms to Canadian clients. My focus will be on Canadian online operational strategies, advertising channels, digital tools, and other related topics. In addition, I will gain knowledge of popular beauty programs, achievable results, costs, and profit margins in the beauty industry. By using my knowledge of online marketing and operations, I wish to connect talented Canadian beauty professionals with clients who appreciate beauty services through the Internet. To provide clients with flexible schedul

Awestruck and curious, let's explore

Hello, everyone! I appreciate you coming to my space. My name is Yingzi Hua, you can also call me Sakura. I previously worked for 13 years in marketing and operations for an internet company. This industry is full of change and requires a lot of communication and collaboration. That's why I think Management and Leadership is a valuable course and an awesome art as well. It requires managers to have deep wisdom, proper skills, and a kind heart. Now, I would like to share here my personal gains and thoughts while studying management and leadership courses in Canada. If you can give me any comments or suggestions, I would appreciate it.